Mount Stuart EO Depot
Maximising the storage space for an existing EO Depot
The Mount Stuart Training Area includes an Explosive Ordnance (EO) Depot to store and maintain the EO used by AFD personnel at the live fire range on the base. For many years the depot operated with several light frangible EO stores with limited capacity.
Spantech was engaged to design and constructed two Spantech 23m ECB at the Depot to dramatically increase the storage capacity at the base. The project was delivered in two stages.
Custom Features
Custom features help reduce ongoing operating & maintenance costs
Stage I comprised a standard Spantech 23m 7 bar ECB with two MHE blast doors separated by a single PA blast door.
Stage II includes several optional features tailored to the tropical location.
A pair of annex were added to the headwall making the facility more comfortable to use during the regular Summer storms. The annex cover the PA door and the electrical cabinets.
Similarly, motorised MHE door operators with manual override were installed to make forklift access quicker and easier.
On top of the ECB a rugged membrane covers the earth to prevent erosion. The membrane minimises maintenance and reduces the risk of grass fires, a major hazard in depots surrounded by natural bush.
Australian Department of Defence
Townsville, Qld
Spantech Scope
Design and construct 2x Spantech 23m ECBs
(delivered in 2 stages)
Woomera 300